(With Easy-Peasy Pumpkin-Spice Yogurt Recipe Just In Time For Fall)
Yogurt alternatives are becoming big, and luckily here in Vancouver, we have our own delicious dairy-free coconut yogurt, courtesy of Yoggu Foods.
Yoggu is the only dairy-free yogurt alternative in the marketplace that uses organic young coconut meat, in addition to our other clean ingredients like organic coconut cream and water. Young coconut meat is rich in fibre and healthy fats like medium-chain fatty acids. Coconut water is high in potassium and blends perfectly with young coconut meat and cream. Plus, there are 100 billion dairy free probiotics in every jar for your gut health. Finally, Yoggu Foods’ yogurts are made by hand in small batches.
Let’s talk about taste for a second. Yoggu Foods’ yogurt alternative has some tang. It’s fresh, it’s smooth and, yes, it’s effervescently flavourful. The flavours currently available are natural and strawberry flavour. The natural flavour is what I have been obsessed with; it’s a blank slate that’s perfect for mixing with whatever goodness you’re craving.
Yoggu Foods was born when founder Jade Herrman left her job in the natural food industry to create her own dairy-free coconut yogurt. Jade fully admits that her first couple of batches were pretty terrible.
“So I decided to try my hand at a raw coconut cream out of young coconuts,” she says. “I would buy the whole coconuts from the grocery store and open them myself.” Ever tried to open a young coconut? This is what I call a labour of love!
Needless to say, a lot of hard work and determination went into making those first batches. And it didn’t take Jade long to realize that she wasn’t the only person longing for dairy-free coconut yogurt made with simple and wholesome ingredients.
Oh Jade, you are not alone. I’m soo with you!
Yoggu Foods deserves major props for its accessibility. Jade is a passionate local food producer who wants to offer wholesome food to all people with a lower price tag. Hence, Yoggu 2.0 is in the works. Jade is working with a local scientist to create a yogurt that reflects Yoggu’s mission and growth plan and also includes a lower price tag for her delish dairy-free coconut yogurts.
This recipe, below, is my current obsession. I may or may not have gotten this inspo from Jade herself. Just blend these ingredients in whatever ratios taste good to you:
Plain Yoggu yogurt alternative
Organic pumpkin
Protein Powder
Toasted Pumpkin Seeds
Stir it up, enjoy the flavours of the season, and tell me what you think!
You can find Yoggu Foods’ yogurt alternative at local farmers markets here
You can find the Yoggu Foods’ yogurt alternative stockists here