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My 11 Favourite January Things

  • January 2, 2019
  • By Karen
My 11 Favourite January Things

In January, it’s all about the New Year’s resolutions. Bring on the gym memberships, the weight loss goals, the meal prep, using less plastic, volunteering at the soup kitchen, and, perhaps, taking a pottery class.


Getting fit, losing weight, and caring for yourself are always at the top of the list, right? Yeah, they tend to be on mine too. However, I’ve learned not to try overhauling my entire life because one tiny piece is out of order. Often, baby steps are more effective– and less disastrous to your family. (Sorry, family!)  


But yes, self-care is a priority this New Years, so January’s favourite things list centers on self-care items for health and beauty. Enjoy…and keep taking those baby steps!


  1.  Facial roller


This Rose Quartz Palomina facial roller releases the tension in your face and gets the circulation movin’ and groovin’.  I’ve been keeping mine in the fridge and it has a cooling effect when my annoying menopausal “hot-ness” comes on. Amazing little product.


2.  Jane Iredale


This is a pressed mineral makeup I use as a foundation.  It’s a light sheer foundation. I wear “latte” and love the golden undertones.  It’s also available in some salons around Vancouver.


3.  Essential Oil


I use “Deep Blue” with a carrier oil to help with muscle soreness if I have overdone it with exercising. The cooling sensation is wonderful!


4.  Coconut oil


Besides cooking with it, I also use it as a whitening and cleaning agent for my teeth by performing the Ayurvedic technique of oil pulling in the morning.


5.  Elta


This is a great UVB/UVA 40  tinted moisturizing sunscreen.  I apply this on top of my daytime moisturizer and really like to not have to wear anything heavier.


6.  Usana Vitamins  


I take these antioxidants and minerals daily.  It’s a health foundation for me.


7.  VegeGreens


This is a quick way to get some extra greens into my diet. One scoop packs a big punch of extra nutrients.


8.  Vitamin D


I take this all year but up my dosage to protect my bone health in the darker winter months.


9.  Barleans


Omega 3 Fish Oils: great for your brain, skin, and so much more!


10.  Probiotics


Probiotics help our gut flora to flourish! This is a favourite of mine because it has 5 strains and doesn’t contain allergens.


11.  Apple Cider Vinegar


As a potent prebiotic, a tablespoon of ACV first thing in the morning in a glass of warm water gets your insides jazzed and moving.


1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  |  11




By Karen, January 2, 2019
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